Workplace giving is a fast and cost-effective way to support Rainforest Conservation Foundation. Your gift is tax deductible and automatically processed as part of your regular payroll.
Donate Through Your Pay
A simple way of donating from your salary, workplace giving is one of the easiest ways to give to Rainforest Conservation Foundation.
All donations made through workplace giving are 100% tax deductable and as well as making you feel great because you’re giving back, they also reduce your pre-tax salary which in turn reduces your taxable income.
You can set the amount you wish to give and update your details at any time.
If your employer isn’t registered for workplace giving, you can download and complete the “Rainforest Conservation Foundation Workplace Giving” form and your payroll officer can set you up.
More information about workplace giving for employees can be found on the ATO’s website.
If you would like to know more, please contact us and one of our team members will be in touch..